When & how do I sign-up?
You can sign up and start at any time. Tuition the first month will be pro-rated based on the number of classes in that month. The yearly registration fee, first month's tuition amount plus your chosen method of payment are due at the time of sign-up and spots are not held without the proper fees paid. You can find the schedule on the CLASSES page, call 615-883-5166 or send an email (magnitudegymnastics@comcast.net) to get the most up-to-date information. You can also hit the request more info button at the top of the page.
When is tuition due & how many classes are being paid for each month?
Tuition prices are based on your method of payment and the date your payment is made:
We accept cash, check, money orders and bank/credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX & Discover).
We also accept PayPal (Magnitudegymnastics@comcast.net) or VenMo (@Magnitude-Gymnastics)
A $40 processing fee will be charged on all returned checks. We offer a discount for cash & check payments; therefore, all bank/credit card transactions are slightly more.
Tuition is due each month (even if a month contains a day which class is not being held) & is not pro-rated for planned closings. During the course of a year, the amount of class days even out to four (4) classes per month for a total of 48 paid classes.
What is the class make-up policy?
Make-up classes are not offered for classes missed unless missed due to the gym being closed on account of bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances at/with the facility. The make-up class would then be held within one (1) month of the missed class. If a class is cancelled during a month that has 5 classes (tuition pays for 4 classes monthly) that respective ‘missed’ class is not eligible for make-up in the event we close due to weather or another unforeseen circumstance. *Extreme "acts of God" are not eligible for make-up.
How do I withdraw from the gym?
ONLY emailed withdrawals will be accepted pertaining to the 30 day written notice (at the end of the previous month or beginning of a new month) in the event you wish to drop a class. We will not accept verbal notices (either in person or by phone). You will receive an email reply once we have received your emailed withdrawal. 30-day notices are for a full 30-day period (one month prior) and are not pro-rated. Delinquent accounts are handled by a collection agency.
What if there’s inclement weather?
The gym does not follow any particular school district regarding cancellation of classes due to inclement weather. On the day in question, there will be several ways to find out the status of the gym (for that particular day):
1) ON-LINE (www.magnitudegymnastics.com) A message regarding whether the gym is open or closed will be posted on the INFORMATION section on the ABOUT US page of the website
2) PHONE MESSAGE (615-883-5166) A recorded phone message will be posted on the gym phone regarding the status of the gym due to the current weather conditions. (Please do not leave a phone message asking if the gym will be open or closed, as those messages will not be returned). Be advised, the FINAL DECISION will be made by NOON of the day in question. Classes missed, due to the gym being closed because of the weather, will be made up. The make-up class will be held within one (1) month of the missed class. We do not offer a tuition discount or pro-rate tuition for any time the gym is closed due to the weather.
3) If we are closed or closing early, it will posted on WSMV both online and on TV.
Can I drop my child off or do I need to remain at the gym during their class time?
A parent or guardian must accompany any student in and out of the building. Instructors cannot be responsible for students left unattended after class time and students are not permitted to loiter outside the building. You may leave your child during his/her class time but must sign-out on the sign-out sheet located at the front desk.
Their parent(s) must supervise all children in the lobby at all times. (It is the responsibility of the parent(s), not of any staff member, to watch their children in the lobby AT ALL TIMES. Continual disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and siblings/students/parent(s) will be asked to leave the lobby area for the entire class time).
No unaccompanied student should be dropped off at the gym earlier than 10 minutes prior to the start of their respective class time or picked up later than the end of their respective class time.
Where do students put their personal items during class time?
Cubbies are located in the lobby for students to put their shoes, coats, clothes, book bags, etc., during their respective class time. Please do not leave these items loose in the lobby.